Research shows that restoring energy is absolutely essential for our overall health. The body’s chemistry doesn’t work well unless the body-field is working well. With the Energy4Life program, you can begin to restore your body-field and restore your body’s ability to heal and stay well and vibrant.
The Energy4Life program is a comprehensive approach to restoring your vibrant health and energy. Unlike other wellness programs that focus in one direction to promote wellness, our program recognizes how inter-related all the parts of our lives are, and that they all play a role in your health and vitality. Yes, diet matters.
So does our environment. So do our emotions and our relationships. And yes … so does the control system that no one else supports the way we do. We take an entirely holistic approach that addresses all of this with a simple, underlying theme: charge the body’s battery, and make sure that energy is being used wisely, then the body is using its energy correctly and efficiently. If it doesn’t, health is sure to fail.
With this in mind, our program gives you the simple steps you can take to begin charging your body and transforming your life. Combine these with our unique approach to restoring your body’s control system (making the best possible use of your energy) and you have the ingredients for a total wellness makeover. That’s what Energy4Life is all about.
What’s included in the Energy4Life Program?
- 1 x Initial 90 minutes consultation
- 1 x Voice Pattern Body Scan / Month = Total 6 scans
- 5 x 60 minutes follow-up consultation
- 5 x 60 minutes QNRT/Family Biology Emotional Upgrades
- MiHealth Device
- Lifetime access to Energy4Life Education (24 lifestyle transformation lessons)
- Unlimited access to Client Portal
- Unlimited Self Health Content
Voice Pattern Body Scan
The Voice Pattern Body Scan is requiring just a computer and an internet connection. It takes a complete assessment of your body-field in just seconds from the comfort of your own home or anywhere else you are.
Based on decades of clinical research and practical testing, our scan assessments quickly answer these questions (and more):
- How well is your body-field powered?
- Is your body-field transferring information correctly?
- Is your body-field doing what’s needed to promote healing?
- Is your body-field responding well to environmental fields andother factors?
- Is your body-field recognizing and using nutrients properly? Orcompromised by toxins?
While it’s not a medical diagnostic system, most are astounded by the connections it makes to the health challenges they know they have.
Individual Consultation
In consultation with you, we will develop the most effective plan to restore your ideal body-field and support your body’s energy levels and overall wellness.
Based on your scan results, we will work with you to restore proper function to your body-field by clearing energy blockages with corrective information delivered through infoceuticals.
As part of the Energy4Life program, you are entitled to a monthly one-hour consultation to scan and monitor the progress of your improving body-field.
Additional scans are necessary since your body-field is constantly evolving, responding to your environment and the body’s needs. Any aspect of your body-field needing support today may not need the same support the following month, but instead may require support in another area. We will monitor this closely and adjust your Infoceuticals as necessary.
QNRT/Family Biology Emotional Upgrades
Mental and emotional blocks can prevent us from being healthy, happy, and fulfilled. Emotional blocks may even be inherited over generations. Most health conditions or behaviors are a reflection of hidden unresolved emotional conflicts from our early life or inherited traumatic life experiences which are triggered by environment, food, events or circumstances.
Using a variety of energetic techniques, we derived a system which helps to identify these negative psycho-emotional patterns and break the cycle of past traumatic experiences that create pathological conditions including pain and inflammation, and block us from getting well.
In this program you will discover how to deprogram the biofield so that these blocks no longer have a negative effect on your well-being.
Personalized and Effective Support Plan with
Infoceuticals and Nutritional support
Infoceuticals are liquid supplements that provide guidance to the body’s control system, improving the function of the body-field so it can restore proper function to the rest of the body. Infoceuticals use information imprinted onto structured water to do this. When ingested, the imprinted information is delivered directly to the body-field to help restore it to its most optimal condition.
Since we see the body-field as the master control system to the rest of the human body, we believe this is the future of wellness, addressing health concerns from their roots. Infoceuticals are taken over several weeks, helping to not only encourage change in the body-field, but lasting change.
As they do so, your energy field can begin to correct and instruct the physical body once more.
Also, you will be recommended high quality nutritional supplements for extra support and nourishment of your body.
As a result, Infoceuticals and nutritional supplements are able to support your body in its own healing process and restore your energy levels to peak performance.
The Energy 4Life Online Wellness Course
In addition to your monthly scans, consultations, emotional work and support, you will also have unlimited online access to the Energy4Life Online Wellness Course. This educational course is especially designed to work alongside your scans, infoceuticals and nutritional support to dramatically improve your energy, transform your health, and help you lead the passionate and fulfilling life you were meant to live.
This course is based on years of scientifically-backed research and clinical trials, along with leading advancements in health and wellness information. The course is based on four energetic dimensions that support good health. They are the body, mind, environment, and social conditions.
Ignoring just one of these dimensions can have a profound and often negative impact on the others. By addressing all of them over time, they support one another for a synergistic effect, getting your faster and more robust results! That’s why we have you engage in a program that’s about total wellness and a renewed vigor for life.
In this course, each dimension’s learning module contains 6 lessons for a total of 24 lessons. You will enjoy such enlightening topics as Healing the Gut, Stimulating the Vagus Nerve, Circadian Rhythm Management, and the Impact of Childhood Adversity on Health … just to name a few.
Each lesson can be accessed and completed on your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. You may work at your own pace, but for maximum results, we do recommend you accomplish one lesson every week. You will be encouraged to take action from the lessons to further drive change in your life. (It’s not just about learning - it’s about doing!) By utilizing the complete program you're bound to see an incredible transformation take place over the next 6 months!
Take control of your life with our exclusive 6-Month Wellness Program and transform your mind and body toward their peaks of health, energy, vitality and wellness!