We are excited to share with you a new revolutionary technology called QRA or Quantum Reflex Analysis that will forever change the way that you and your family think about health and wellness. The techniques of QRA are so powerful and life-changing that we can’t wait to share them with you.
What is QRA ?
Today, many scientists believe the secrets of regeneration and healing lie not within costly medical drugs or expensive medical treatments, but in the body’s own Quantum Energy Biofield (QEB).
More than ever, it is now possible to release the body’s inherent, powerful biological quantum energy circulation matrix that is capable of speeding up renewal and regeneration in our bodies.
The techniques of QRA use the QEB as a template to define and eliminate stressors that have deactivated the body’s own potent internal healing systems for rejuvenation, endurance, vitality and longevity. In the past decade, this work has progressed to a point where effective solutions are now available.
QRA provides specific tools for precisely identifying the hierarchy of what is taking place in the human body. The new paradigm in quantum bioenergetics has proven that the body’s biofield is preeminent over all the body’s biochemical processes (as shown in decades of German biophotonic research by Dr. Fritz Popp). This explains why even extensive treatment interventions on the biochemical level can often provide only minimum help for chronically ill patients.
QRA is a unique, highly effective system of testing the bio-energetic status of the body’s key organs and glands using a university-proven muscle testing technique of medically accepted reflex points. QRA features the us of a modified Bi-Digital O-ring test (originally popularized by Dr.Y.Omura), a clinically verified kinesiological testing system.
QRA is a brand new paradigm in health care that has been called the most effective health technique of the 21st century!
Using QRA, we can customize a specific program for you. One size does not fit all. Take the guesswork out of your journey to optimal health!