Knowing what to eat and what not to eat is becoming more important each day as we continue to live in a stressful, toxic world. If you want to optimize your health, you must return to the basics of healthy food. There is no way around this simple fact.
The miracle of photosynthesis transforms the sun’s light frequencies into green plants, trees, grasses and medicinal herbs – which when consumed, releases nutrients and multiple light frequencies into the human body. In addition, as humans, we directly absorb light energy from the sun into our body.
As one scientist noted: “Humans are light eaters”. Premier quality nourishment must accomplish two tasks: 1) It must allow assimilation of the full spectrum of this light bioenergy throughout the body to compensate for daily QEB (Quantum Energy Biofield) losses caused by environmental toxicities and life’s stresses, and 2) It must couple this light bioenergy with living nutrients that are rapidly absorbed and assimilated into the cells of our bodies.
More than 97% of currently marketed nutritional supplements are void of this “light” bioenergy and typically contain synthetic (man-made) nutrition as well as stress inducing agents (excipients, fillers, etc), instead of living food nuritiment. These chemicalized supplements can stimulate chemical energy in the body but they deplete quantum energy. Over time, taking chemicalized supplements ages the body faster.
When we stimulate our bodies through chemicalized supplements, improper foods, and drugs, we actually deplete nutrients and electrons needed to protect us from chaotic and unhealthy conditions of our modern world, and we suppress the potential of our QEB (Quantum Energy Biofield).
A simple example of this would be eating processed white sugar as opposed to obtaining sugar in a natural form, such as from fruit. Fruit naturally contains a whole spectrum of synergistic nutrients needed to metabolize the fruit sugar. The processed sugar lacks these complex, synergistic nutrients.
When the body eats white sugar, it must “borrow” the necessary cofactors from its own storage sites in order to metabolize the sugar. Overtime it can cause serious deficiencies elsewhere in the body. The premier quality nutrients and whole foods can be absorbed deeply into each cell where they are able to quickly energize the cells functions with healthy resonant frequencies.
We only use and recommend the most well-researched and highest quality supplements, so you can be certain that the quality far exceeds most of those found in stores.
Using QRA or NES Health Technology, we can customize specific nutritional support for you. One size does not fit all. Take the guesswork out of your journey to optimal health!