Biological decoding is a new paradigm to understand the emotional, biological and ancestral origin of illness (physical, emotional, mental...), target the memory of the cells and speed-up the natural healing process inherent to the body. The body is calling us through a symptom, and we choose to listen to it or not. Either we ignore the message or warning sent to us, or we decide to find out what happened. The amygdala in our limbic system detected a serious danger in a stressful situation. A relocation notice, a dismissal, bad news, a difficult moment, a time when you have to swallow something, a moment where you have to keep quiet but something inside you is bursting to get out and be talked about. There are numerous situations which create severe stress inside us. What will happen next is that the stress will try to find a way out, a path to express itself and this is what illness is.
This is a theoretical framework in which every biological code has a meaning. It teaches us about the way events develop inside our being and the way they are manifested through different symptoms in the stress phase or the repair phase. Biological Decoding seeks the biological origin of the symptom in the conflict which the individual experienced. It provides a means of revisiting emotional conflicts, but never replaces any medical and/or nutritional treatment which the individual is following.